How Much Will Kindergarten Cost?

Costs of sending your child to school will differ from school to school. Below we have outlined some of the costs you will need to consider when budgeting for the school year ahead.

School fees

School fees will differ from school to school depending on what type of school you would like to send your child to (public or private).

School fees are not compulsory in public schools. However, many schools will request Voluntary School Contributions to enhance educational and sporting programs, including elective subjects. School contributions help provide additional educational resources for the benefit of students.

According to the NSW Department of Education's policy:

·       All schools can request contributions to enhance their educational and sporting programs.

·       School contributions are voluntary and payment is a matter for decision by parents.

·       There will be no charge to fulfil the minimum requirements of the curriculum. Schools may charge students for elective subjects that go beyond the minimum requirements of the curriculum.

·       Parents who are unable to pay for elective subjects because of financial hardship may be eligible for assistance from the school.

·       Principals will ensure that no student or family suffers any discrimination or embarrassment over failure to make a voluntary or subject contribution. Confidentiality, privacy and dignity must always be maintained concerning contributions.

School Supplies

You will have to contact your local school regarding their processes for school supplies (pencils, textbooks etc). In many cases, the school provides the essential items, and you pay the school. Other schools may give you a stationary supplies list, which you will need to buy yourself.

Essential items include:

·       Textbooks and stationery that your child borrows from the school or keeps (for Kindergarten, this is usually around $50 worth of items)

·       Materials used for school work where your child keeps the final product (for example, clay used in a pottery class)

·       Excursions that all students must attend (usually the price of the bus fare and destination entry)

school supplies including pencils and scissors

School Uniforms

In Australia, purchasing school uniforms is a common practice for students attending both public and private schools. When acquiring school uniforms, parents typically have two main options: buying new uniforms or opting for second-hand ones.

The number of uniforms needed largely depends on the school's requirements, but a typical set may include a jumper, shirts or blouses, trousers or skirts, and various accessories like ties or scarves.

Prices for new uniforms can vary significantly depending on the school and its specific dress code, but on average, parents can expect to spend around $200 to $400 per child. Second-hand uniforms are a more cost-effective alternative, which can be found in school uniform shops, online marketplaces, or through school-run swap events. They often come at a fraction of the cost of new uniforms, making them a popular choice for budget-conscious parents.

Regular maintenance and replacement of school uniforms should also be kept in mind as children grow or uniforms become damaged.

Each schools website will usually display information regarding the school uniform and how to access the school uniform shop.

girl in school uniform

School Shoes

I highly recommend only buying shoes with velcro instead of laces for the first year of school. This allows children the independence of being able to put their own shoes on, whilst not be restricted if they are unable to tie their own shoe laces. It can also be a good idea to cut a large sticker in half and put a half in each side of the shoes so children can match up the stickers correctly to know if they are putting them on the right feet.

Different schools have different rules about the colours and styles of school shoes that are allowed. It is best to ask your child’s school their policy before outlaying money on new school shoes.

The number of pairs of school shoes an average school child goes through in a year can vary significantly based on several factors, including the child's age, the quality of the shoes, and their growth rate. Younger children tend to grow more quickly, and may go through up to a pair every term, especially if they experience rapid growth spurts.

It's essential for parents to regularly check the fit of their child's school shoes to ensure they are comfortable and provide adequate support. If the child complains of discomfort, experiences blisters, or if the shoes show signs of significant wear and tear, it's a good indication that it's time for replacement. They wear these shoes 6 hours a day, 5 days a week- so please ensure your child is comfortable in their shoes. Some children have sensory issues with socks and shoes which can lead to heightened anxiety if they do not fit properly.


There may also be various additional costs beyond the basics of tuition and uniforms. Here is an outline of some common extras that parents may need to consider:

Extra-curricular activities

Many students participate in extracurricular activities such as sport, music, drama, or other clubs and organisations. These activities may involve fees for equipment, uniforms, materials or participation.

Before school, after school and vacation care:

Working parents may need to enrol their children in before and after-school care programs if their work schedules do not align with school hours. These programs often come with a monthly or weekly fee. Also consider vacation care or holiday programs for your child in between school terms. These programs can often have wait lists so can be valuable to contact your school as early as possible to seek access to these facilities when needed.

Technology and internet costs

In the modern age of education, having access to a computer and the internet is often essential for school assignments and research. Parents may also need to invest in a computer or ensure reliable internet connectivity is accessible.

School fundraisers

Schools may organise fundraisers, and parents may be expected to participate or contribute to support school initiatives or special projects.

Special events

Throughout the school year, there may be special events like school dances, colour runs or Mother’s/Father’s Day breakfasts which often come with additional expenses.

School photos

School photo packages are a common expense, with parents having the option to purchase various photo packages.

It's essential to plan your budget carefully to account for these additional costs. School-related expenses can vary widely based on the school, the child's year level and their individual needs and interests.

Grab a copy of our Ebook ‘Parent Guide to Starting Big School’ for more information.


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